These amazing millipedes are commonly known as MADAGASCAN FIRE MILLIPEDES due to their amazing colouration:

Madagascan Fire Millipede
Madagascan Fire Millipede
Madagascan Fire Millipede

Even though their bright colouration is intended to be a warning to potential predators, they have incredibly cute faces as you can see here! 

Close-up of the head of a Madagascan Fire Millipede

I always name females of this species Scarlett, due to their intense red colouration. In April 2023 I made my annual visit to one of many local primary schools that I visit every year, on a day when it just so happened to also be the 7th birthday of a girl named Scarlett! This lovely picture was taken by one of the staff at the school, of their Scarlett next to mine!

Their legs are a bright orange colour and these millipedes have to be one of the most beautiful species in the world.

Colourful legs of a Madagascan Fire Millipede
Colourful legs of a Madagascan Fire Millipede
Colourful legs of a Madagascan Fire Millipede