These gorgeous spiders are HONDURAN CURLY HAIR TARANTULAS aka Tliltocatl albopilosus (formerly Brachypelma albopilosum). This species is found on the Atlantic coast of Central America from Honduras through Nicaragua to Northeastern Costa Rica. It is a burrowing spider found in tropical scrubland and forest habitats.

When curly hair tarantulas are babies or spiderlings they are VERY small indeed. The female pictured above is named Curly and I acquired her in the late summer of 2016 – back then she looked like this!!

The picture below is of Curly as a juvenile; as you can see her hairs are significantly less curly and she has a lower contrast of dark markings to light coloured hairs, although still very beautiful.

Like so many of my other species, Honduran curly hair tarantulas are exceptionally docile and everybody who meets them absolutely loves them!